Questions Show: Spiral Arms, Seismic Waves on the Sun, and our Favorite Gear

Artist illustration of the Milky Way

Artist illustration of the Milky Way

This week we explore galactic spiral arms, seismic quakes on the Sun, and our picks for astronomy gear. If you’ve got a question for the Astronomy Cast team, please email it in to and we’ll try to tackle it for a future show. Please include your location and a way to pronounce your name.

  • Spiral Arms, Seismic Waves on the Sun, and our Favorite Gear
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  • Shownotes

    Is there a traffic jam in spiral arms of galaxies?

    Why do seismic waves on the sun accelerate?

    What are Fraser’s and Pamela’s favorite astronomy gadgets?

    Why are the Pioneer spacecrafts slowing down?

    How can astronomers tell the distance of an object from red- and blue-shifting of light?

    Why are galaxies colliding if everything in the universe is moving away from everything else?

    On how much of the sun is fusion taking place?

    Why are globular clusters shaped the way they are?

    What is a parsec?

    • Answer:  3.26 lightyears
    • Parsec — World of Astronomy

    Meet up with Pamela and Chris Lintott at Mabel’s Tavern in London on Nov 23, 2008:  details