Ep. 719 – Galaxy Series: Spirals

Our galaxy series continues, on to spiral galaxies. In fact, you’re living in one right now, but telescopes show us the various shapes and sizes these galaxies come in. Thanks to JWST, we’re learning how these spirals got big, early on in the Universe....

Our Hosts

Fraser Cain
Universe Today

Dr. Pamela Gay

Meet the Team

  • Richard Drumm, Audio Engineer
  • Ally Pelphrey, Video Engineer

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17 seasons and more than 700 episodes await.

Ep. 709: Space Weapons

Ep. 709: Space Weapons

Last week we learned that Russia might be planning nuclear weapons to take out satellites in space. What is the current and future possibility of weapons in space and what are the treaties designed to prevent them?

Ep. 707: What Goes Into Sample Return Missions for the Moon and Mars?

Ep. 707: What Goes Into Sample Return Missions for the Moon and Mars?

We’ve sent robots to other worlds, but the amount of science we can deploy to another planet can’t compare with the vast science labs we have on Earth. That’s why more and more missions are for a sample return, bringing pieces of alien worlds back to Earth, were we study them with proper equipment.

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