Ep. 719 – Galaxy Series: Spirals

Our galaxy series continues, on to spiral galaxies. In fact, you’re living in one right now, but telescopes show us the various shapes and sizes these galaxies come in. Thanks to JWST, we’re learning how these spirals got big, early on in the Universe....

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Fraser Cain
Universe Today

Dr. Pamela Gay

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  • Richard Drumm, Audio Engineer
  • Ally Pelphrey, Video Engineer

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Ep. 694 – Mission Roll Call Part 3: Sun, Mercury, and Venus

Ep. 694 – Mission Roll Call Part 3: Sun, Mercury, and Venus

Our journey through space missions continues. Now we move away from the Earth to the rest of the solar system. What’s out there orbiting, roving and flying on other worlds and in interplanetary space. Today we look inward and we’ll talk about the missions studying the Sun, Mercury and Venus.

Ep. 693 – Mission Roll Call Part 2: Looking Outward from Earth

Ep. 693 – Mission Roll Call Part 2: Looking Outward from Earth

Last week, we brought you up to speed on the spacecraft which are helping to study Earth from above. Many of our missions are in Earth orbit but looking outward to study the Universe. Today, we’ll talk about the missions close to home, helping us understand our place in the cosmos.

Ep. 692 – Mission Roll Call Part 1: Orbiting Earth

Ep. 692 – Mission Roll Call Part 1: Orbiting Earth

It’s time for another series. This time we’re going to look at the missions that are currently in place across the Solar System. Today we’ll start with the key missions here on Earth, studying the planet from above and looking out into the Universe.

Ep. 691: Jupiter’s Changing Red Spot

Ep. 691: Jupiter’s Changing Red Spot

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is one of its most iconic features, first seen hundreds of years ago. Although it’s certainly long-lasting, it’s been changing in size over the last few decades, shrinking and changing in color. Is it fading away? And what can the changes tell us about storms on giant planets?

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