#728 Eugene Parker

#728 Eugene Parker

In our last episode, we talked about the Parker Solar Probe. As always, we like to talk about the person who inspired the mission. What makes this amazing and different is that Eugene Parker was there to watch the launch of the mission that shares his name. Why is he...

Ep. 716: The God**** Particle – Remembering Peter Higgs

Ep. 716: The God**** Particle – Remembering Peter Higgs

Last week, we learned about the death of Peter Higgs, a physicist and discoverer of the particle that bears his name. The Large Hadron Collider was built to find and describe the particle. Today, we’ll look back at the life of Peter Higgs and his particle.

Ep. 712: How Peer Review Fails

Ep. 712: How Peer Review Fails

You’ve probably heard that the best kind of science is peer-reviewed research published in a prestigious journal. But peer review has problems of its own. We’ll talk about that today.

Ep. 670: Governing Space – The Outer Space Treaty of 1967

Ep. 670: Governing Space – The Outer Space Treaty of 1967

The Universe was inaccessible for most of human history, but the first tentative steps to space in the 20th century made humanity realize that science fiction was becoming science reality. New rules would have to be written to govern how we used this limitless expanse. Today we’ll talk about the Outer Space Treaty of 1967.

Ep. 659: Clear Skies, Bright Satellites

Ep. 659: Clear Skies, Bright Satellites

Light pollution is a big problem, and it’s only getting worse — not just near cities but everywhere thanks to increased satellite constellations. How bad is the problem, and how can we fix it?

Ep. 658: Space Exploration Horror Stories

Ep. 658: Space Exploration Horror Stories

We’re recording this episode on Halloween, so how could we resist but take advantage of this opportunity. Space is already terrifying enough, you know, with the vast endless emptiness, incomprehensible mysteries, and uncaring coldness. But here are some scary stories to spook it up a notch.

Ep. 657: Astronomical Naming Schemes

Ep. 657: Astronomical Naming Schemes

Space is a big place, with a lot of galaxies, stars, planets and moons, and that means a lot of names. How do astronomers name stuff, like comets, asteroids, exoplanets, craters?

Ep. 648: Summer Observing

Ep. 648: Summer Observing

Summer is officially, astronomically here. And for folks in the Northern Hemisphere, that means it’s the perfect time to head outside and see what’s happening in the sky. Today we’ll give you a good list of things to keep an eye out for, with or without a telescope.

Ep. 647: Best Sci-Fi Beach Reading

Ep. 647: Best Sci-Fi Beach Reading

Summer is here and that means finally tackling your huge list of books piled up on your bedside table and filling up your Kindle. What books do we recommend for some fun reads?

Ep. 645: The Future of the ISS

Ep. 645: The Future of the ISS

The International Space Station has been continuously inhabited for over 20 years now, serving as a peaceful collaboration between space-faring nations. But it’s a machine, and it’s getting old. In addition, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has made things complicated. What’s the future for the ISS?

Ep. 638: Simulating Space Missions

Ep. 638: Simulating Space Missions

Although humans have never actually been to Mars, explorers have simulated many aspects of Mars missions here on Earth. There are missions under the ocean, on the tops of volcanoes, in the harsh Canadian north, and even in bed that simulate the limitations of spaceflight, and teach us many of the lessons to prepare us for the real thing.

Ep. 637: Machine Learning in Astronomy

Ep. 637: Machine Learning in Astronomy

Computers are a big part of astronomy, but mostly they’ve been relegated to doing calculations. Recent developments in machine learning have changed everything, giving computers the ability to do jobs that humans could only do in the past.

Ep. 617: Hangout-a-thon Episode 2 – Crowdfunding Science

Ep. 617: Hangout-a-thon Episode 2 – Crowdfunding Science

Funding for basic science has always been tricky business, coming mainly from universities, government, companies, or wealthy individuals, but who knows how many fascinating discoveries were never made because of a lack of funding? We now live in an era where regular people can come together to find scientific discoveries.

Ep. 583: The Nobel Prize

Ep. 583: The Nobel Prize

This year’s Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three brilliant researchers who worked out some of the secrets of black holes. Today we’re going to talk about the chain of discoveries that led to this award.

Ep. 561: Remembering Katherine Johnson

Ep. 561: Remembering Katherine Johnson

We lost a bright star here on planet Earth last week. NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson passed away at the age of 101, after an incredible career of helping humans land on the Moon. If you saw the movie Hidden Figures, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

Ep. 555: Satellite Constellations and the Future of Astronomy

Ep. 555: Satellite Constellations and the Future of Astronomy

The other big issue at the AAS was the challenge that astronomy is going to face from all the new satellite constellations coming shortly. There are already 180 Starlinks in orbit, and thousands more are coming, not to mention the other constellations in the works. What will be the impact on astronomy, and what can we do about it?

Ep. 554: Big Telescope Controversy in Hawai’i

Ep. 554: Big Telescope Controversy in Hawai’i

This week we’re live at the American Astronomical Society’s 235th meeting in Honolulu, Hawai’i. We learned about new planets, black holes and star formation, but the big issue hanging over the whole conference is the protests and politics over the new Thirty Meter Telescope due for construction on Mauna Kea.

Ep. 547: Why Astronomy Still Needs Humans

Ep. 547: Why Astronomy Still Needs Humans

Few sciences have been able to take advantage of the power of computers like astronomy. But with all this computing power, you might be surprised to learn how important a role humans still play in this science.

Ep. 535: Astronomy-Related Things To Do This Summer

Ep. 535: Astronomy-Related Things To Do This Summer

It's summertime, and time for our annual Astronomy Cast hiatus. But that doesn't mean that the astronomy adventure has to end. Today we'll give you some tips and tricks for astronomy summer adventures. In this episode we mentioned donations and tours. Click to learn...

Ep. 534: Modern South African Astronomy

Ep. 534: Modern South African Astronomy

Last week we talked about some ancient south African astronomy, so this week we'll talk about the state of modern astronomy in the southern part of Africa, which happens to be a great place with nice dark skies and a great view into the heart of the galaxy. In this...

Ep. 532: Modern Astronomy of Australia

Last week we talked about how well the indigenous Australians followed the night sky. Well, it turns out, Australia is still an amazing place for astronomy. There are so many powerful observatories in Australia, and even more in the works. In this episode we mentioned...